Patriot Fire Team T-Shirt

Patriot Fire Team Shirt Front-Jarrad

Front of Shirt

Patriot Fire Team Shirt Back-Jarrad

Back of Shirt

Are you an American Patriot that loves their country and wants to preserve their freedoms? Stand up and make your voice heard! Display your patriotism proudly with the Patriot Fire Team T-Shirt.

Why a Patriot Fire Team?

No Patriot should have to stand alone. You cannot do it all on your own. Everyone needs encouragement, support, and affirmation from time to time. By using the structure of the Patriot Fire Team, you can establish a small, but strong support group of like-minded individuals who care deeply about preserving the Representative Republic of the United States of America as outlined by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Definition of the Patriot Fire Team:

The Patriot Fire Team consist of four individuals who have pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights. Each member has pledged to provide support and encouragement to the others whenever and wherever that support may be needed.

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